Philip “Jah” Blyden…Jah Blyden…Priest Blyden…Honorable… All names that became salutations for a man that I originally only knew from afar, but eventually had the great fortune of working with, and fighting for liberation alongside, at Akhepran International Academy and the community-based group “Africans United”.
Priest Blyden was all for the Liberation of African people globally…plain and simple!
He consistently conjured the memory of our African Greatness, by way of his divine, yet casual, always profound teaching and living of that African Greatness.
He cut a path that made my, and others, journey a little easier, as the sword of Rastafari, which he skillfully welded, helped to dull the continued oppression we as Africans in the diaspora face by way of colonialism and self-hate.
Priest Blyden constantly reminded me, and all who would listen, that the continuity of African Greatness has not been broken, but in large part has remained unnoticed or undefined.
His work was that of all Pan Africanist, boosting the confidence of those that would choose to pick up their respective s-words, sacred words, to bring us full circle to our greatness whereby bringing the fragmented aspects of that greatness into plain view to be embraced all At-One Moment!
Jah Blyden we see the vision a lot clearer now as our focus on you causes us to focus on US, whereby we now stand a little taller as we perch upon your shoulders, strengthened by your full presence in the ancestral realm!
Namastu ( I bow to the divinity in you)
Pastor: Dr, Cleveland W. Eneas III
(Ka-Hun: Anku Sa Ra)